I've finished the fingerplates for Ed's hand. There were alot of pitfalls along the way. First, the pattern pieces for three of my five fingers were too large. Apparently, the girl who made the pattern has the same size pinky and ring finger as I do, but her middle, index, and thumb are almost twice the size of mine. So, there was a lot of playing around with resizing. And I've learned that my middle finger, index finger, ring finger and thumb are all the same size around. Another pitfall (actually most of the pitfalls at this point) was sewing the finger joints together. The video I was using said to use a heavy duty needle and 4-ply thread. Yeah.... so... after I destroyed two or three finger joints, broke one "heavy duty" needle, and bent another one, I found the original tutorial which said to hotglue the pieces together. Not as sturdy as sewing, but better for my sanity. Hot glue is for the win! So, here's what they look like. Now, on to the rest of the hand!
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